Public Walking Tours with Michael

Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far’.

– Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826

As we start to ease back into the ‘new normal’, I’m pleased to announce the introduction of some new public walking tours in London and the surrounding areas. These tours each consist of a 2 hour walk at a leisurely place, exploring a particular theme. It is my intention to add more of these and extend the program into 2022.

Public Walking Tours of London

Public Walking Tours of London

I'm pleased to announce the introduction of some new public walking tours in London. As we return to the 'new normal' I'm pleased to be able to introduce some new public walking tours in London and the surrounding areas. Each tour consists of a 2 hour walk at a...

Crime and Punishment in the City of London

Crime and Punishment in the City of London

This is a walking tour lasting approximately 2 hours from Tower Hill to Smithfield. On this walk we visit well known, iconic sites as well as several other little known, irregular sites for crimes and executions.

10 + 7 =